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Gareth Brinn
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Brief Bio

Even though a BA in English Literature and Sociology wasn't my first choice for an undergraduate degree, it was a blessing in disguise. I fell in love with the idea of writing. Through engagement with literary texts, cultural texts, and academic texts, I discovered that I love the art of articulating and presenting ideas to people in a concise and elegant manner. At the end of my degree, I decided that I wanted to be a Writer in a professional capacity. So, I completed an MA degree in Technical Communication and E-Learning to pursue a career in Technical Writing.

Today, I'm a Technical Writer (TW2). I see myself as an advocate for product users and a translator of complex information into plain language that the user can understand upon first read. Documentation is part of the product. Poor product documentation contributes to a poor user experience. So, I'm hoping through my work, I can create a great user experience.

I currently work in the Software industry. I started my career in the Payment Technology sector and migrated to the Open Source software industry. I don't have a software background. But I see this lack of software knowledge as a good thing. If I can't understand the documentation, the user won't uderstand the documentation either. However, my strengths lie in language, grammar, phrasing, and plain language. I believe in writing documentation in the simplest manner. If one person cannot read my documentation, I see that as a failure on my part as a Technical Writer.

Outside of work, I enjoy reading books from around the world with a particular interest in books and stories written by African Writers. Also, I enjoy Creative Writing. I have a few scattered publications with both personal stories and poetry.

Reach out to me to discuss Technical Communication, E-Learning, Literature, or Poetry.

My CV/Resumé


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My Blog

The blog is on temporary hiatus.


Brinn, G. (2021) ‘Educating Ireland: The Power of the Narratives Produced by the Silenced Voices of irish Society’, #DouglassWeek, 14 Feb, available: [accessed 23 March 2021].

Brinn, G. (2020) ‘Using the White Voice for Anti-Racism’, Unsilencing Black Voices, 2 Sep, available: [accessed 22 March 2021].

Brinn, G. (2020) ‘3. Home is Where Fulfilment is: The Effects of Multiple Homes on the Protagonist’s Identity in Purple Hibiscus and Nervous Conditions’ in Gibbons, G., Fitzpatrick, M., Murphy, M. Archbold, R., Lynch, C., Power, J., Murray, L., Pearson, J, Curtain, T., Cole, R. and Mascareñas-Garza, Ó. comp.  All-Ireland Conference of Undergraduate Research: Book of Abstracts 2020, Limerick: University of Limerick: Centre for Transformative Learning, available: [accessed 22 March 2021], 9-10.


Brinn, G. (2020) ‘Home is Where Fulfilment is: The Effects of Multiple Homes on the Protagonist’s Identity in Purple Hibiscus and Nervous Conditions’, presented at The All-Ireland Conference of Undergraduate Research, online, available:

Interviews That I Have Done

UL PSU (2021) 'PSU Equality Week interview with Gareth, Queer Representative', PSU Equality Week [video], available: [accessed 11th April 2021].

ul_studentlife (2021) 'UL Student Life interview with Out in UL' [video], available: [accessed 11th April 2021].⁣

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