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Instructions Redesign

Cover page of the instructions redesign.

I created this image using Microsoft PowerPoint.

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The Set of Instructions
Why I Chose this Set of Instructions

I am showcasing this set of instructions because document revision is a vital aspect of technical writing and instructional design. Also, I am showcasing this set of instructions because the set of instructions are for a child’s experiment kit. This fact means that I could be more creative with the design compared to traditional design material. I like that this set of instructions showcases my creativity and adherence to key design principles.

The Skills Shown in this Set of Instructions
Organisation Skills

Firstly, this set of instructions shows my organisation skills. I have placed the introductory material on the crystals before the instructions as this type of content should always come before the step-by-step instructions (Lannon 1994). Also, I placed the list of materials that are needed for the experiment before the instructional content as this choice ensures that the process will not be interrupted (Markel and Selber 2018). The goal of instructional material is to aid the reader to complete their task in the easiest manner possible and by organising the set of instructions with the introductory material first, I believe that I achieved that goal.


Secondly, I show my ability to write in an appropriate style. All the instructional content is written in the active voice and imperative mood. Instructional content must be written in this manner because the task is the main idea (Riordan 2015). Also, all instructional content is numbered to show readers when the instruction should be completed. I ensured that the step-by-step guide was written logically. Furthermore, I ensured that the set of instructions was written in plain language so that the material is accessible to everyone.


Finally, I show my ability to use graphics correctly. Each material listed is accompanied by a photo because the modern reader prefers pictures over words (Lannon 1993). I also have included safety symbols in all the warnings because safety symbols enhance the reader’s understanding of the seriousness of the warning (Markel and Selber 2018). The use of pictures and symbols clarifies what the reader needs to have or do to complete the experiment.

Writing Skills
Graphics Skills
What I learned Through the Development of this Set of Instructions

Finally, I show my ability to use graphics correctly. Each material listed is accompanied by a photo because the modern reader prefers pictures over words (Lannon 1993). I also have included safety symbols in all the warnings because safety symbols enhance the reader’s understanding of the seriousness of the warning (Markel and Selber 2018). The use of pictures and symbols clarifies what the reader needs to have or do to complete the experiment.


Lannon, J.M. (1993) Technical Writing, 6th ed., New York: HarperCollinsCollegePublishers.


Markel, M. and Selber, S.A. (2018) Technical Communication, 12th ed., Boston, Massachusetts: macmillian education.


Roirdan, D.G. (2015) Technical Report Writing Today, 10th ed., Boston; Cengage Advantage books.

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