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Instructional Podcast

Pride Flag

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The Audio of the Instructional Podcast
Gareth Brinn- Instructional Podcast
00:00 / 09:51
The Script for the Instructional Podcast

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Why I Chose to Show this Instructional Podcast

The instructional is the perfect combination of my passion for instructional design and social education. I believe that the most efficient method of reducing bigotry and hatred toward the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) community is through education. This podcast shows how the world of e-learning can be adapted to the realm of social education. This podcast shows my ability to adapt social issues surrounding the LGBTQ community to suit the working world and make knowledge on the LGBTQ community applicable to those in a people-centred roles. Furthermore, the podcast proved to be an interesting method of delivering instructional content. I had never considered an audio-only approach to instructional design before and so, this assignment broadened my perspective on instructional design.

The Skills that I Show in this Podcast
Lesson Objectives Skills

Firstly, the instructional podcast shows my ability to write clear lesson objectives. I wrote my lesson objectives per Gagné et al.’s (1992, p.127) theory that all learning objects should contain “the situation in which the performance is performed; the type of learned capability; the object of the performance; the specific action the learner takes in employing the capability; and the tools, constraints, or special conditions associated with the performance”. This theory allowed me to formulate clear and specific objectives that framed the instructional material for the course.


Furthermore, the podcast shows my skills with audacity. The audio contains music that acts as signposting between different sections of the instructional material. The use of such an obvious method of signposting of new material was to adhere to the principle of chunking. Chunking information is the joining of smaller units of information into one chunk to make the information easier to digest (Lidwell et al. 2010). This principle guided me in producing clear information that flowed from one unit to another unit.

Audio Production and Editing Skills
What I Learned by Creating this Podcast

Before this project, I did not see audio as a tool for instruction. However, now I see it as a valuable tool instructional design. Audio can prove to be an incredibly flexible method of producing instructional content. Also, I learned the importance of accessibility. All audio must have an accompanying verbatim transcript because audio is not accessible to everyone. This project has cemented the importance of accessible instructional design for me.


Gagné, R.M., Mills R., Leslie, J., Eager, W.W (1992) Principles of Instructional Design, 4th ed., Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers.


Lidwell, W., Holden, K. and Butler, J. (2010) Universal Principles of Design: 125 Ways to Enhance Usability, Influence Appeal, Make Better Design Decisions, and teach through Design, Revised and Updated Ed.

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